1 Residence Requirements 居住要求
1.1 What are the new residence requirements for Australian citizenship?
The new residence requirements for Australian citizenship will mean that applicants will need:
• four (4) years lawful residence in Australia immediately priorto making an application for Australian citizenship with at least 12months as a permanent resident, and
• 在申請入籍澳大利亞之前的四年必須在澳洲合法居住,其中至少有12個月以永久居民的身份居住;以及
• absences from Australia of no more than 12 months in total inthe four (4) years prior to application, and no more than three (3)months in the 12 month permanent residency period prior to application。
• 在申請入籍澳大利亞之前的四年內離開澳洲的時間累計不超過12個月,其中以永久居民的身份在澳洲居住的12個月內離開澳洲的時間不超過3個月。
1.2 When will the new residence requirements come into effect?
On 1 March 2007, the Australian Citizenship Bill 2006 was passedby the Australian Parliament. The new legislation is likely to commenceon 1 July 2007。
1.3 Will they affect current permanent residents?
The new residence requirements will only apply to people whobecome permanent residents on or after commencement of the legislation。
People who are permanent residents before the commencement of thenew legislation will only need to meet the current residencerequirements (presence in Australia as a permanent resident for periodsamounting to two (2) years in the last five (5) years including one (1)year in the last two (2) immediately prior to making the application)provided they applied within three (3) years from the day thelegislation commences。
1.4 What are the current residence requirements?
At the moment, the Australian Citizenship Act 1948 provides, thatfor applicants to be eligible for Australian citizenship, they need tohave spent a minimum of two (2) years permanent residence in Australiain the last five (5) years, including at least 12 months in the lasttwo (2) years。
1.5 What effect will the new residence requirements have on people who apply before the legislation commences?
Permanent residents who apply for Australian citizenship beforethe legislation commences will need to meet the current residencerequirements。
1.6 Will travel overseas affect eligibility under the new requirements?
Absences of up to 12 months during that four (4) year period willbe allowed, with no more than three (3) months in the year beforemaking the application。
1.7 What effect will the new residence requirements have on temporary residents?
The new changes recognise time spent in Australia as temporaryresidents prior to the acquisition of permanent residence. Up to three(3) years of temporary residence will count towards the four (4) yearresidence requirement for citizenship。
In other words, people who become permanent residents after thechanges commence and have been living in Australia on temporary visasimmediately before becoming a permanent resident will be able to haveup to three (3) years of the time spent as holders of temporary visascounted towards the four (4) year residence requirement. They will needto have a minimum of one (1) year as a permanent resident。